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S1:E3 - Retail Insights with Former Bing Lee GM, Phil Moujaes
Dive into the world of retail as we unpack the impacts of the 2020 pandemic, the surge of the value-conscious consumer, and the unpredictable terrain of Australian retail in our latest video. Join our host, Nigel Price, in a profound discussion with one of the industry's stalwarts, Phil Moujaes, CEO of PM Retail and Former GM of Bing Lee Electrics, as they untangle the intricate complexities of the retail landscape.
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In every episode, we'll converse with specialists from the retail and tech industries, delving into how AI and modern technology are enhancing brand, product, and marketplace discoveries. Furthermore, we'll explore the hurdles and prospects that AI and Digital Transformation bring to the table, guiding the industry on how to best gear up for retail's future.
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